ザムスト Footcraft Cushioned for SPORTS (インソール) ZAMST Online(ザムスト オンライン)
Kevin Rodrigues 5 First of all I’d like to thank the seller, shipping to Portugal must’ve been a first! It arrived much before the estimated time so it was quite the surprise.This was my first time trying super MiniPla projects and I’m more than impressed. The assembly is quite easy thanks to the provided instructions but it lasted a long while. I started assembling at 17:30 and only finished at 22.The extra articulation is a great bonus so it’s nice to be able to pose the figures in many dynamic ways.Only bad part was my poor fingers… I forgot to get any tools.I’ll be sure to buy more!
ザムストよりサッカー専用インソール「Footcraft FOOTBALL STYLE」発売|日本シグマックス株式会社のプレスリリース