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Cuketka 3 I bought this because my hair is dry and damaged. I had hoped the quality of my hair would improve,l be shiny and healthy looking. But it started to fall like crazy! I also started to have itchy scalp and many small blisters. My hair is everywhere - on the flooring, on my clothes, on my bed... I am starting to have a trauma because of the amount of hair loss. I stopped using the shampoo in December but still the hair falls. I think I have lost large amount of my hair already, because when I put in pony tail, it is much more slimmer than before. I searched the net any many people say they have similar experience with Pantene shampoos. I wish I would find the bad reviews earlier.But I listened to the good reviews here on Amazon. Apart from hair loss, I also do not like that the shampoo and conditioner have very different fragrancel. It should be same! The perfume is very strong, so if the smell of shampoo and conditioner are mixed, your hair smells like crazy. And also I do not believe such a strong fragrance is good for your hair. Never again! I threw the rest in the rubbish bin. I do not want to destroy my hair more than it is already.