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  5. SMC AM-EL450 互換エレメント(ミストセパレータAMシリーズ AM450C 用)
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SMC AM-EL450 互換エレメント(ミストセパレータAMシリーズ AM450C 用)


SMC AM-EL450 互換エレメント(ミストセパレータAMシリーズ AM450C 用)



仕様:ミストセパレータ用、ろ過度 0.3μm。

適用機種 AM450C


SMC AM-EL450 互換エレメント(ミストセパレータAMシリーズ AM450C 用)

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Rossi Family JP 3
it's really hard to say with these I replaced the original vintage pickups which were really good and I should have kept them in there these are very loud and a very mid-rangeThey don't have much sparkle for jangle if you're looking for thatthen when I recorded it directly into GarageBand I noticed that they were really good for doing blues and a little bit more mid-range see things when the volume is up a little bit for when the app is cracked all the way then they really start to come aliveit was a good experience to put them in myself and wire the switch and all that I wouldn't recommended for people who have never done that before us the soldering is difficultI don't know if the telecaster sounds better with it but it does sound different and that's always good I guess and the fact that the neck and the bridge pickup are fairly matched so when you switch between the two of them there's not a difference in volumeI guess I just kind of miss the old vintage sound that had a little more jangle jingle sound to it little more country western this is definitely mid-range bordering powerful if that's what you need if you need some kick and some power out of your telecaster I would recommend it if you like them or softer sound and more authentic sound leave the pickups you got in there and work on another guitar

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Easy to use, good quality, pictures are nice.

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